Garbage disposals. Can't live with them and you can't live without them. They stink, they smell, they must be fed, but unlike a baby, they aren't the least cute and cuddly. Mine never even smiles at me.
Crazy busy day and it would seem that I have accomplished nothing but sweetening up the odor emanating from my disposal. A sad commentary on my life, indeed.
10 wise, witty and wonderful comments
I loved that you wrote about garbage disposals! You gave us all a smile! :)
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Heather, I tell ya, it's the midwestern gal in both of us. And Heidi A.-you even have my last initial! And we are both beautiful so we are going to get confused all of the time. Sure, I'll sign up!
There really is a love-hate thing with disposals. I came home late last night, as a matter of fact, and found a couple of eensy weensy fruit flies swirling around mine. Cute post!
They are so a waste of time. There are so many things that just can't go into the disposal without clogging up the works that I am constantly gathering up peelings to transport to the trashcan, sometimes I feel I am working for it instead of the other way around. I hate it to smell and yet for an inanimate object with no nose, it still smells.
Heidi, I think you may be underestimating the value of a fresh garbage disposal. Freshness is next to godliness, isn't it? In fact, I wish my disposal was as fresh as yours.
Hmmm, thanks for the comments but I am still sitting on the fence with this one. :)
This topic is near and dear in our household...but the really big question is...what's your secret for getting it smelling nice again? Inquiring minds want to know. I've tried frozen orange peels (I read about it online but it did nothing) and even those little gel balls they sell).
I have tried both of those, too. But the thing that has worked best is to put about a half cup of Arm & Hammer down the drain and let it sit for a half hour. Then pour a cup of white vinegar so that it dissolves and doesn't gum up the works. Then flush with hot water. If you have a double sink, you need to do it on both sides. I tell ya, baking soda and vinegar are a girl's best friend--they do a lot of work around here--but only when I feel like weilding the whip.
Well, my DH thinks that garbage disposal are NOT for food!! GO figure!?!?! I sneak food in there all the time when he's not home (hee hee)! It's a constant battle at my house. Not much problem w/smells, when you can't use it much!
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- Heidi
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