Today I have two tags:
April of Designer Mom (see blogroll) has a memory game tag going. The way it works (theoretically): you leave a comment about a memory you have of me. Bwawwahhhahhahaaa! That’s pretty funny since most of you who brave the comment section of my blog have never met me. Those who have met me, for the most part, don’t have google ID’s. This is very convenient for them because it gives them an excuse not to comment. Should be interesting. Oh, and BTW, if you leave a comment of a memory of me here, then I will assume you are participating and I will go and check your blog to write a comment about a memory I have of you. Could be fun! (Have I done this before? Can't remember . . .)
B) Four People who email me regularly: Shirley, Jen, Laura, The Spouse
C) Four of my favorite places to eat: The Bath House in Pleasant Grove (CA) which was spectacular but is now gone, Le Papillon in San Jose, Applebees, Jack in the Box. (NOT IHOP) (not anymore) (or ever: see http://heidiashworth.blogspot.com/2008/09/restaurants-we-love-and-restaurants-in.html
D) Four places I would rather be right now: Howden’s castle in Ben Lomond, England, (always England) the beach, anywhere, anyplace I can be visiting with my extended family members
E) Four people I think will respond: Bhwaaahhhahhaaaa!!