I have days when I could happily spend every waking moment just clicking back and forth from my email, to my other email address, to my dashboard to read blog posts, to my sitemeter account, to my comments on my blog, back to my email and then . . . do it all again (and again and again and AGAIN). If an IV with a rich and creamy supply of chocolate was involved, (and attached) (you know—to me) I could honestly be perfectly happy clicking away 24/7.
However, today I plan to sit for seven hours at the elementary school pedaling my wares (read: copies of Miss D). Wish me luck!
Meanwhile, the Miss D book tour begins right now! Our first stop is with Christine of The Power of Housewife Word of Mouth. She blogs about her darling daughters and loves to spread the word about good things. She is experienced with book blog tours and has graciously offered to help me out with mine. Thank you Christine! I had a lot of fun answering the interview questions she came up with. Read all about it here.
The book tour will last about a week—meanwhile, I will continue to accept entries for the Miss Delacourt Speaks Her Mind book giveaway. At the moment I have 36 entries which is about 30 more than I ever dreamed I would get. SO . . . I am going to add a second book to the pot. That’s right folks, I will be giving away TWO (count ‘em, two!) signed copies of Miss Delacourt Speaks Her Mind. If I get 100 entries, I’ll up it to three so tell your friends! Read all about how to enter the contest here. Be sure to click on the link in my sidebar to read the “latest and bestest” review of Miss D. You will have to scroll down to the top of page 19 which is a real pain but I just love what this gal had to say and how she said it so give it a whirl (unless you have a tempermental computer like Lisa in which case, don’t risk it).
Be sure to check back tomorrow for the next blog on the tour, a heretofore unseen review of Miss D. by a good blogger friend of mine (I'm excited--and nervous!! What is she hates it?!??!) Meanwhile, be sure to listen to her internet debut (as in, gorgeous singing) by clicking here.
(Today turned out to be a big day for me but it is an even bigger one for Heather of the EO, whose sweet little Asher is having surgery this morning. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers and check here for any status updates. )
18 wise, witty and wonderful comments
Here we go a tourin'! This is such a great use of modern technology. I am excited about it. And prayers for Heather from me too.
Congratulations on your success with Mr. Linky. The Luddites have no claim on you.
Yipee! Great interview! And I can't wait to read Kazzy's Ponderings about the book!
And today wasn't a posting day for me but I almost just wanted to post what you wrote about Heather on yours. We have many of the same readers so I feel it's covered. Thanks.
Heading over there right now . . .
Yay Crash! Yay Kazzy! You're ready, right? Yay Rott (because I think that is the darn nicest thing you have ever said to me--but from now on, save up the compliments for my book--I might need 'em), Lisa & Annette--thanks!
Hi Heidi, I talked to the person in the HBLL who orders LDS authors, and you are now on the list to buy. Our budget year is over, so the order won't go in until January, but soon you will be on our shelves.
I will make sure to come visit you because 7 hours is a verrrrrry long time to be at the school!
I have days when I could happily spend every waking moment just clicking back and forth from my email, to my other email address, to my dashboard to read blog posts, to my sitemeter account, to my comments on my blog, back to my email and then . . .
This made me laugh! Why is blogging so addictive like that?
What an exciting time for you! I hope the seven hours is worth it.
I'm back, I'm tired but, yes, Erin, it was worth it. Jen--thanks for visiting with me TWICE! You're a gem, Myrna--thanks for the book plug (hey, I can wait until January if you can) N.--it may be funny but it is so true!
Heidi, everything went wrong today or I would have been there. But we are still on par for reading your book for January book club. I think you should make an appearance!
Janelle, don't stress. The book store here in town will have a few copies (once I get them over there tomorrow) and if they sell he will order more. And there's always Amazon. What time of day does your book club meet? I'm not much for going out at night (but I love to talk about myself so I will probably be there anyway).
You know what I like best about the link I've put on my blog?
I can click on it and it brings me back here!
It's true.
Good Luck!
Oh, and GO mom! For helping! And YAY for you! I'm so excited!
Abra--you're a sweetie pie! I'm guessing you don't live close enough to your mom to give her a hug for me but next time . . maybe at Christmas?
Can't wait to hear how your day went! How exciting! I'm so happy for you! Just realized that I'm using an awful lot of exclamation points in the comment! How weird!
Alyson! That's okay! Whatever it is, I have it too!
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- Heidi
- Wife, mother, novelist, gardener, bloggist, lover of good books, roses and vintage charm; passionate about her family, words, roses, vintage home decor, found treasures and the color pink.
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