Miss D The Bee And Paranoid Me  

Posted by Heidi in

On the brighter things, shall we?

Random brightness follows:

The sequel to Miss Delacourt Speaks Her Mind, tentatively titled Miss Delacourt Has Her Day, is in good shape thanks to my crack team of online book critique-ers. I must confess that I was too tired and “done up”, as Miss D would say, to write on Tuesday. This means I will have to add another 500 words each Tuesday that remains until my deadline. I might have to resort to writing on Thursdays as well as Tuesdays and whimpering on my “fainting couch” Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Saturdays and Sundays optional.


The baby in the photo above is the same Flapper girl in my giveaway from last week. Who knew she would grow up to have so much hair?


Yesterday when I was pelting about being paranoid about being prepared for the possible flu pandemic (try saying that three times fast!), I was stung by a bee in the palm of my hand (it seems we both reached for the grocery bag at the exact same moment). As this is something that has never happened to me before and as it hurt like the very devil (I’m channeling Sir Anthony, now) and as I was already feeling paranoid, I felt sure I was going to stop breathing and die on the spot. As I am here writing this now, I think it is safe to assume I am not allergic to bee stings. There’s nothing like being faced with possible instant death to put possible flu pandemics into perspective. (Though I’m still worried about those who are especially vulnerable . . .) (Could I possibly have used the word "as" even once more than I did in this paragraph?)


Did I mention? I had the BEST time in Utah, much better even than I had expected. Everyone was lovely and gracious, kind and hospitable, from my cousin and her husband who picked me up at the airport all the way through to those who attended Jana’s and Karen’s book group having already read the book and with nothing but good things to say about it. (Those who had bad things to say graciously kept their mouths shut or so I can only assume in spite of the danger of assuming . . . ). This leaves many lovely, warm and super people in the middle that I might or might not have already mentioned. Thanks to each and every one of you! I especially loved having the chance to spend time with various members of my family I don’t often see (though I had hoped and planned on seeing more) and as for blog friends, as I said before, there’s something about actually hearing and seeing people in movement that makes them even better! Who’da thunk?


If you live anywhere near Spanish Fork, Utah, run, don’t walk, to Olivia’s at the same intersection as Winger’s, but kitty-corner from it (sorry, that's all I've got). It’s inside of a really girly-swirly hoity-toity salon but do not let that deter you. Exquisite Italian food. Enough said. (except for this: have a Tres Leches for me . . .you can thank me later).

This entry was posted on Friday, May 1, 2009 at Friday, May 01, 2009 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

32 wise, witty and wonderful comments

I love the tentative new book title! You will be able to catch up on your writing schedule before your deadline. I have faith in you!

May 1, 2009 at 11:07 AM

I am still reading your book, and it's delightful! And you were right about some of the words. I have a fairly large vocabulary, and there are still some I had to look up. :)

May 1, 2009 at 11:12 AM

I love the title of your new book!!! Cute!

Sorry to hear about that pesky bee. How rude! He needs to get his own grocery bag. =)

May 1, 2009 at 11:18 AM

Becky--thanks, you're such a sweetie! You were the first to say that you would like to see a sequel. Tuesday before last I named a character "Irvine" for that very reason. Kristina, you don't know how bad I feel about that! I tried to take out the ones that most people wouldn't know BUT I still wanted it to have that regency feel for those fans of regency romance since RR novels just aren't being printed anymore. In trying to make both groups happy, I feel like I made no one happy when it comes to that issue. YET--I am probably doing the exact same thing with Miss D Two. Such is life. (I'm glad such a delightful gal as you finds my book delightful!)

May 1, 2009 at 11:22 AM

Carolyn--so funny! (That's exactly what I was thinking!)

May 1, 2009 at 11:22 AM

Dang bee! Was it really worth suicide to get to the bag? Stupid bee!

Nice title! Now I just have to read the first one. :)

May 1, 2009 at 11:26 AM

You are so cute!

Having finally read book one I am oh so eager for book two. Get writing, lady! Mwah!

May 1, 2009 at 11:27 AM

Oh man! A bee sting?! They hurt like the dickens! (I know I've been stung within the last five years, so it's still fresh in my memory.) I finished Miss D, and I'm anxiously awaiting Miss D two! SO EXCITING!

May 1, 2009 at 11:42 AM

Bee's ouch.

You made me hungry.

May 1, 2009 at 12:11 PM

K... Bee stings suck... honestly, I have had two my whole life... and it's not like the sting KILLS, but it's annoying until it goes away!!!

Still sad I missed ya on Saturday!

May 1, 2009 at 12:36 PM

Hey lady- why didn't you take a picture of your hand??? OUCH!

Had a great time (as I said before) getting to meet you and all the awesome ladies that were there on Saturday.

May 1, 2009 at 12:43 PM

I can't wait for book 2!~ I'm going to read it while I eat Tres Leches... If I can find some around here.

May 1, 2009 at 12:53 PM

Randi--NO, you have to order it at Olivia's partly because, meaning mostly, well, actually totally, because that is the only place I have ever eaten it. I wouldn't have touched it anywhere else. It has vanilla cake with chocolate ganache, a carmel/cinnamon center, a lightly flavored coconut whipped cream on top with regular cream on the plate and some carmelized cream, as well. I just can't guarantee that kind of exquisite tongue-treat anywhere else. Julie-what a great idea! Another great idea--getting out one of the popscicles I bought in case my son gets sick and needs to be tempted with sugary sweetness in order to get some fluids down and holding it in the stung palm. Very good idea! Shelle--maybe b/c it was in the palm of the hand, it killed me more than it killed you. My whole hand felt like it had been smashed between a car and a truck with no conveniently close sparkly vampire to rescue it. It was only swollen around the bite but the whole thing hurt like crazy! Jan--hungrier now? Melinda--so sweet, but please don't hold your breath. It could be more than a year and a half before it is available at the rate these things go . . . Kim--yes, the faster I write it, the sooner it will be out. Providing my publisher likes it as much as I do. :)

May 1, 2009 at 1:06 PM

Hum, I don't live all too close to Spanish Fork but I do make it down there every so often :) I'll have to stop by!!

Also... I've never been stung by a bee!! (does happy dance!) :-) also... I've never had a bloody nose, a broken bone, stitches, a cavity... I guess one could say I have never really 'lived' Tehe :)

May 1, 2009 at 2:06 PM

I'd never had a sting in my entire life... but because I come from a long line of allergic people I was SURE it would kill me to be stung...

Last summer a hornet stung me THREE times on my eyebrow - I freaked out and RAN down the 2 (maybe less... but 2 sounds good) miles I'd just hiked up hoping to make it to the hospital in time... but no reaction - yay!

May 1, 2009 at 2:24 PM

You better bet I will be going to Olivia's soon. I am always up for a restaurant tip. Thanks!

May 1, 2009 at 3:13 PM

I want a fainting couch!

Bee stings really are very painful. It's a good thing you aren't allergic though. My little guy stepped on 4 bees last summer. Poor kid. He finally started to wear his shoes after the 4th time!

My new url is

I don't know if you just need to change the URL when you manage the blogs you follow or refollow in order for me to show up on your blogroll again. It shows I have the same followers, but I don't think my new posts will show up.

Oh yeah, and I'm actually looking forward to your new book! I'm for sure going to buy it and read it when it comes out!

May 1, 2009 at 3:47 PM

My dad recently got stung by a bee in between the EYES! Can you believe that shiz? I know it hurts like a beast and I'm so sorry you had to experience that not so wonderful experience!

I love the Miss 2 Sequel title (and the story thus far!) I promise I'll get back to you asap!!!!

May 1, 2009 at 5:22 PM

I'm in love with Italian food but my husband is not. So sad!

May 1, 2009 at 6:03 PM

Melanie, that is tragic and I'm not just saying that. So sorry! Laura--Between the eyes???!?! I can't even begin to imagine that! Heatherlyn, I'll check it out and make sure I get where I need to be. THanks! Kazzy--you will so not be sorry! T--in the eyebrow? Oooooh, ehhhh, ahhhh! Ouch!! Megs--I was right where you are not that long ago (except for the cavities--I was born with 'em.) Live long enough and life will catch up to you.

May 1, 2009 at 6:07 PM

I hope you don't totally stress out about your book deadline. I would, because I am not a write, but I don't think you should ;)

I like the title!

I'm glad you aren't allergic to bees!

Is there a lot of flu in your area?

May 1, 2009 at 6:17 PM

I love all the flower pics lately! so very pretty!

sorry about your bee sting!
but best wishes on the book! I bet it will be awesome!

May 1, 2009 at 7:01 PM

I am sorry to hear you were stung. I am petrified of bees, have never been stung and really hope to keep it that way...forever. Especially since allergies run in my family. The first time my brother was stung they had to call the paramedics.
I am glad to hear your Utah trip went well. Sounds like lots of fun!

May 1, 2009 at 8:02 PM

Hurray for Miss D; boo for bee stings. Daughter number two and I are scheduled to be in Utah in June, but we won't have a car, so I think Spanish Fork will be impossible, more's the pity.

May 1, 2009 at 10:44 PM

So you're saying you've never been stung before? Me neither! And I'm pretty sure I'll hyperventilate if it ever happens. Will I have to pull the stinger out myself? Ack!

Olivia's sounds divine. It's 8am here now, but I want Italian!

May 1, 2009 at 10:53 PM

Heidi-it's a self-imposed deadline so technically, no stress (technically!)Sabrina--thanks! I love the flower pics, too! Heidi--yikes, that's scary! No one that I know of is allergic in my family so I kept reminding myself of that. Pam--sorry you'll have to miss Olivia's! Lisa--don't pull out the stinger--use a credit card to flick it out. Thank goodness I had one handy in my pocket. Being stung in your hand does limit your options a bit. Sorry to create the Italian craving . . . I had lasagna that was almost pure noodles, cheese and non-spicy sausage half of which was covered with marinara sauce, the other half with white sauce--it just melted in my mouth!

May 2, 2009 at 10:39 AM

Sorry about the bee sting..you're right it does hurt like (your wording) the devil..glad you're not allergic though.

May 2, 2009 at 1:19 PM

How long has Olivia's been in SF? The hubby and I lived there many moons ago. I don't think it was there then.

I am still sulking that I couldn't make it to your book signing party! I am soooo jealous of those who made it there! I had so looked forward to it! Ok, now I'm going back to count the "as's" in the third paragraph! lol!

May 2, 2009 at 1:58 PM

Thanks for the great tip about Olivias. Not sure if I am going to make it on this trip, but I will for sure go there sometime this summer.

May 2, 2009 at 2:30 PM

Mmm...Italian food! I'm up late boiling ravioli for James to take to work tomorrow...I may snitch one!

I'm very excited for Miss D two! And I love the tentative title as well!

Channel Sir Anthony all you want, you know how I feel about him. ;) It's about time for me to read it again! I loved it that much!

May 3, 2009 at 9:20 PM

Oh yes, and so sorry about the bee sting. Awful place to have one! :(

May 3, 2009 at 9:20 PM

I don't know how I missed this post! I might be driving to Spanish Fork tonight, so I was seeing if you'd posted what you ate at Olivia's - you did!
Thanks! Can't wait to try it!

May 7, 2009 at 1:38 PM

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