12 wise, witty and wonderful comments
And then there was a woman who said the world is pink, because she always had her nose buried in beautiful roses.
We all miss you too. Good luck with those things.
I grew up in a little provincial town and am grateful for the security and familiarity I was raised with. I married and lived where my husband worked of course, which introduced me to other parts of the United States. However, it is just in the past two years that an appetite to learn about women in cultures and with perspectives outside of my American one, drove me to read one book after another. Little did I know that my heart and brain were being pried open for a purpose. We are now in England on corporate assignment, and our daily associations and budding friendships include people from every corner of the globe. The initial shock I felt has melted into appreciation, even awe. It is ALL good. And -- I know -- good for me. What we think is right and real has so much to do with perspective.
Perspective can be dizzying stuff, can't it? Funny how we all look at the world in our own way, from our own viewpoint. The ability to see it from another's is a rare and precious thing
Have missed you and truly, nothing to forgive first. Always life first, blogging second.
I thought the world was brown...
Sorry. That's way over my head.
I always love seeing things from a new perspective. But I do realize that my own perspective is fairly limiting sometimes and requires a lot of faith to see the eternal perspective. Which is, of course, the most important.
I totally understand Heidi. This summer has been so busy for me. Good luck and I hope you and your family are having a great summer! =)
Of course we forgive you! Hope all is well. Good stuff to ponder here.
Well, first off, I have never quite "connected" with Isaiah.
I wish I understood him
BUT I know that people are fickle....I am glad God planned the world, the colors, the textures, all of it.........cause we are not wise enough to KNOW
I see it as if we choose to do things our own way, it's not going to work. We will never see the whole, true picture, and, as Isaiah says, we are going to have sorrow. However, if we turn our lives over to God, who does see the whole, true picture, then we can find joy in the midst of our jungle or sky.
Have missed you, but given that I've been practically AWOL myself, you are 100 percent forgiven!
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- Heidi
- Wife, mother, novelist, gardener, bloggist, lover of good books, roses and vintage charm; passionate about her family, words, roses, vintage home decor, found treasures and the color pink.
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