(How often does one get letters anymore? Have people younger than twenty even seen one?) Plus--a postcard on the very same day from the very same sweet thing! And guess what? I got a gorgeous homemade card from another friend last week; I am rich!!!
My husband bought three books at Costco today.
I think that means I'm fated to read them. (Curse you, Braden Bell!) Still fighting it, though, since I suspect they are way too close to home for me.
My birthday is later this month.

I'm going to be (cough-cough) forty-blah blah, (cough). I have instructed The Spouse to take one of my gluten free cake mixes to my favorite bakery and have them whip me up a special cake. Two mixes would be even better! I love layers. In fact, I love them so much, I propose a layer for each year of my life. Way better than (cough-cough) forty (blah-blah) candles!

My 15 year old won’t be home for dinner which means I don’t have to cook, right? I mean, The Spouse, The Big Guy and The Little Guy don’t count, do they?

I am enjoying it very much. I am also being really strict about it (just one hour a day) since I can’t afford to allow it to take over my life. Again. (After all, books don’t write themselves and I have had an awesome idea for another book about Miss D—rather, her daughter and Lucinda’s son. Turns out he’s nothing like his mom. OR his dad. Well, except for the golden hair. Woot woot!) (I also have a great idea for a regency romance starring a stunning red-head with mucho artistic talent named Luisa. Which to write first?) (This isn’t counting the one I’ve been working on. So many stories, too little time.)
Will you walk into my parlor said the spider to the fly--complete poem here. I was surprised at how much in common this post had with the images in this poem--though I did photo-shop out most of the spider webs. (All oddities as far as font sizes and spacing problems are beyond my control. Apparently. Since I have tried to fix them at least four times. Perhaps five is the magic number but I choose not to tempt fate.)