Do you ever have one of those days (or week or months) when you feel like your brain is a hard drive and through some kind of silent, insidious and totally unexpected attack, it has been wiped clean? Like, totally, squeaky clean? As in, clean as the proverbial whistle? For weeks, now, I have felt like I am constantly attempting a reboot and nothing is coming up. Thank goodness Miss Delacourt dropped by the other day or I would have been completely done for. (I have spoken to Sir Anthony and invited him to take his turn but so far he’s not returning my emails.) So, I have no clever (or not so clever) post today that ties in with the latest stop on the bloggy book tour for MD2. In fact, I am so tired, I am left with nothing but profound gratitude for Rachel Sue of Trapped Between a Scream and a Hug for reading my book and blogging about it. Though, I can add that when I think of her, I think of that song, “It’s a Jolly Holiday with Mary,” from Mary Poppins. She’s that kind of gal. Visit her blog. Stay for a while. Then visit some of her other blogs. Like the perennially perfect Miss Poppins, Rachel Sue has lots of clever and unexpected things up her sleeve. Thanks Rachel Sue! Hugs!
This entry was posted
on Sunday, March 27, 2011
at Sunday, March 27, 2011
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Miss Delacourt Has Her Day
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