The main difference between when my first book came out and my second book came out? I have known my blog friends for two years longer and they are the best! They have been such a support to me in all my doings and love me no matter what. And I love them!
I'm off today to my new job (I'll be blogging about that later . . .) and don't have time to really do today's reviewer justice (Crash from Crash Test Dummies) but I hope she knows how grateful I am to her for her kind words about MD2 (and one). Plus, she writes very amusing blog posts so, even if you don't care a bit for books, or romance, or regency romance, or me, go read her post. It rocks.
Also, please be sure to check the sidebar for the three different giveaways going on this month--two copies of MD2 and a painting by the acclaimed Jana Parkin!
This entry was posted
on Friday, March 4, 2011
at Friday, March 04, 2011
and is filed under
Miss Delacourt Has Her Day
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