Am I disappointed that the covers to my two books, one a sequel to the other, two sides to the same coin, have covers that are so at odds with each other? One says “contemporary” (unfortunate, since it’s not) while the other says “in the past”. One is dark, the other is light. One is cold in its striking beauty, the other is warm in it’s glorious golden gorgeousness. Thye really don’t go together at all except that they are both beautiful and both star Miss Delacourt and her determined beau, Sir Anthony.
Mostly, they are a great way to introduce my post about opposites. Below is a photo of a buffet we bought as a fixture for our store. (Sorry for the orbs of light—they are not evidence of departed souls but rather proof of my lack of camera savvy.) I think of “brown” furniture as masculine. Even when they have beautiful, curvy lines such as this one.
And the point of this little lesson? (While you’re thinking of your answer, take a peek at a drum table I painted pink—love it!!!) (You can see a corner of it in its masculine state in the first photo of the buffet.) (Just saying .. . )
The point is that, today, we have review of Miss Delacourt Has Her Day from both the feminine and masculine perspectives, in point of fact, from the perspectives of a married couple. She is the subject of the poem “written” by Sir Anthony in MD2. He is the person who actually wrote it and was generous enough to let me use it. As I say on the acknowledgements page, Sir Anthony couldn’t have said it any better. I am grateful to James and Rebecca for all of their support. It really means a lot to me. Hugs, you guys!!!
So, be sure to read how HE and SHE view the same romance novel. I think it’s fascinating stuff and very well written fascinating stuff, at that. Plus they say very nice things that made me want to blush, laugh and cry all at the same time. And if you want a crack at winning the Miss Delacourt set of books pictured above, see the sidebar for a link to it and a few other great giveaways going on for the month of March. (It’s madness, people, madness!)