I'm thrilled! I really am! Now I just have to figure out how to get to the awards ceremony so I can crumple with defeat in front of my friends and peers. Even were I to win, the best part of traveling to Utah would be seeing so many of my online friends--you don't know how much I miss you each and every single day! Now, I must go find a fan and a fainting couch.
(To read more about the Whitney Awards, click http://whitneyawards.com/wordpress/2011-finalists/)
10 wise, witty and wonderful comments
Yay Heidi!! That's so exciting.
Why wouldn't you win!? You're amazing!! And now I'm more sad than ever that I'm not in Utah...
And when and if you ever get the time... Would you please explain all the titles of the Regency Era? Duke, Earl, Lord, Count, Countess... it's all confusing to me.
Well...If I were still there, you could have come and stayed with ME.
How exciting for you.
I sooo enjoyed meeting you. It is fun to connect with our blogging buddies.
That completely rocks! Congratulations, friend! You deserve the nom again and again...
Congrats!!! I hope you win!!! But I'm a little sad. I won't be there this year. =(
I am so happy for you! Well-deserved!!!
Heidi! That is so exciting! Oh my gosh!!!! Yeah!!!!
Delighted for you!! Being nominated is already winning in a way. Being chosen, you know? So happy for you!
That's so exciting - when will you hear?? :)
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- Heidi
- Wife, mother, novelist, gardener, bloggist, lover of good books, roses and vintage charm; passionate about her family, words, roses, vintage home decor, found treasures and the color pink.
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