10 wise, witty and wonderful comments
In Spanish I call them traviesos.
Roy boy, you only get one entry!
Ok. I'll play. It doesn't matter what I call them. They just better come when I do :) j/k
K- her name (she's too old for nick names - she used to call herself KK)
A - Bubba
R - Becca
E - Emm
Or you guys better knock it off!!!!
(i'll try to drum up business)
Hey there! Found you through Hillary! I love Target so I am hoping to win!
I have 2 daughters, one is 4 and the other is 15 months. I call both of my girls "Princess" but the baby we have always called "Chub Chubs" because she a little bit chubby unlike her sister was.
We also shorten their names, 4 year old is Madelyn and we call her Maddie or Maddie-girl. 15 month old is Katelyn and we call her Katie, or Katie-girl.
Okay, I'm game. My children although grown and married with children of their own have always had nicknames. Jenny my one and only daughter has always been sissie, Ryan is Ry-boy (no relation to John-boy of Walton fame) my Joseph has been Joey, Phino or Joe Joe broke his toe on the way to Mexico. Nicholas has always been my little Niccy or Nicodeam. I have always referred to them collectively as my little tiny newborn babies. The grandkids are all known as my little "Muffins"
Hope I win, I am feeling lucky!
When they were little, I called them my babies or sweeties, and when they were teenagers, I teasingly called them brats. Now they are adults, so while I still call them sweetie or sweetheart, I usually call them by their first names.
The list of names our daughter has is practically endless...mostly she gets bird or birdie, bug, lou bug, lou buggie, noodle, sweet noodle, sweet noodler, noodler...Yeah. Good thing she's the only one around here or someone might get confused.
In my son's one whole year of life, he has had a lot of nicknames up to this point. Chewy, because of the gargling noise he used to make when he was "cooing", reminding us of Chewbacca from Star Wars. "The Hulk" has stuck even though it's not really appropriate anymore. When he was born, he seemed huge to us, but now that he is walking, he has slimmed out and is no longer HUGE, but "the hulk" still remains one of my most used nicknames.
Handsome boy, Carar (used by my 2 year old nephew), c-rock, C.P., the colinator, shumper, etc...the list goes on and on.
I hope I win, I love the idea of having more flats in my closet. :-)
My daughter is my "Punkin" and I generally call my boys "dude" or "bud." They all answer to "Sweetie," and the dog does, too, cuz that is her name...
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- Heidi
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