
Could This Be Why My Kids Are All Sick?  

Posted by Heidi in

For those who are fans of my kids and the rest of you who have no choice, here are some pics of them having a water fight. Thank goodness they aren’t actually fighting, that would have been tres horrible, especially since the drive has this yucky black stuff determined to stick to your skin (and basketballs, clothes, shoes . . .) rather than the ground like it’s meant to. There are also pics of Mary because she begged me to take pics of the water flying from her feet. Personally, I think her boat sized feet are more fascinating, much like a car crash on the other side of the freeway. (I’m not a fan of feet unless they are baby feet and even then I like them best when they are perfectly proportioned and slightly chubby.) However, I think the flying drops of water are as beautiful as she hoped they would be.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, May 6, 2008 at Tuesday, May 06, 2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

2 wise, witty and wonderful comments

Hi Heidi, I really like Hillary and it is fun that you started a blog. The link to the Mayor of Claycord was great! My husband will be all over that. My sister April is in your ward (if you are also in Hillary's) Good luck with blogging. Try not to get addicted.


May 6, 2008 at 12:15 PM

Janelle, I adore April! We serve in the primary presidency together. She is so great--she is the breathe of fresh air (read: young) in our presidency. I'm glad that I turned someone else on to the Mayor--it's a great site for us Claycordians. Thanks for stopping by! Heidi

May 6, 2008 at 2:15 PM

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