This week I am at the top (or near the top) of the list with three blogging groups/sites/whatever. You can find my blog with Mormon Mommy Blogs (see link in my blogroll) as well as with LDS Bloggers (see the badge near the end of the column at right). If you want to rate my blog as being something good/cool/must-read, click on the Mom Blogs badge just under the LDS Bloggers badge and look for me under either Mom Bloggers by State--(then choose California--I should be pretty high on the list) or choose the category "disabilities"--I'm currently pretty high on the list with that one, too. I didn't have time to scroll through all the entries under Family Life, so you shouldn't bother either. If you find me and rate me in each of the other two categories, I would be much obliged. This is *very* easy and does not require any special anything whatsoever. At least, I don't think so.
This entry was posted
on Monday, July 21, 2008
at Monday, July 21, 2008
and is filed under
Blogging in General
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- Heidi
- Wife, mother, novelist, gardener, bloggist, lover of good books, roses and vintage charm; passionate about her family, words, roses, vintage home decor, found treasures and the color pink.
Which Jane Austen Heroine Are You?
A RONE Award Finalist

Miss Armistead Makes Her Choice
Read What People Are Saying About Miss D!
- Away From It All
- Becoming
- Blog The Day Away
- Books Are Life Reviews
- Braden Bell
- Christina at Books Are Life
- Crash Test Dummy Diaries
- Dreams Of Quill And Ink
- Eowyn at Refracted Light
- Is It Just Me?
- Kazzy's Ponderings
- Publisher's Weekly & Boolist Reviews
- Scripture Mom
- Superfluous Miscellany
- The Spasm Family
- You Asked For It
MD2: Blogdania Speaks!
- Melissa at Green Jello With Carrots
- Kazzy of Kazzy's Ponderings
- Rachel Sue at Trapped Between a Scream and a Hug
- Jana at Divergent Pathways
- Janelle at Regally Blonde
- Rebecca at I Am A Pistachio
- James at Syncopated Musings
- Lara at Overstuffed
- Braden Bell at,what else?-- Braden Bell
- L. T. at Dreams of Quill and Ink
- Debbie at Cranberry Fries
- Kim at Temporary?Insanity
- Crash at Crash Test Dummy Diaries
- Rachel at Rachel Cotterill
- Jami at Superfluous Miscellany