Into Each Life Some Rain Must Fall  

Posted by Heidi in

“For every tear of sorrow you have shed there will be a thousand tears of joy.” Joseph B. Wirthlin

Let’s face it, I have had my share of sorrowful tears and have no doubt there will be many more, but yesterday I felt the tears of joy were finally starting to take over. Not to imply in any size, shape or form that getting a good review (BTW, did you read my good, um, great, review?) is where it’s at. There are so many more things to feel joyful about, like children. (Of course children, especially if they are your own, have a tendency to dry up those tears of joy just as they start spilling) Yet, there is something very joyful about having the opportunity to do something you really love and to be recognized for that in some way.

In fact, yesterday was the first time I felt that perhaps I could actually spend some of my precious resources on something other than making life function for all of us here at Dunhaven Place. It was the first time I felt that maybe, just maybe, I could write and not feel guilty about it because, who knows, someone might pay me to do it. And, hey, who doesn’t need money?--raise your hand! (That’s what I thought.)

This, however, is not the point I am wishful of making. The point is this: just as I was starting to feel really good, no, great about the potential of this goal I have been cherishing pretty much my entire life (the first object I can remember feeling truly possessive of was Beatrix Potter’s childhood icon “The Tale of Jemima Puddleduck”) an enormous crash came from the next room. Once I got the Big Guy calmed down and convinced there was no earthquake, nor was any earthquake imminent (at least not any more so than at any other moment of our California lives) and nothing was about to fall on his head, I went to investigate.

A shelf in my bedroom, chock full of antique china, had fallen to the ground. The victims were (“were” being the operative word, here) all my favorite sentimental precious pretties; family heirlooms, gifts from loved ones and almost all had (“had” being the operative word, here) hand painted roses.

Life stinks that way. Pride leads to a downfall. Always.

The pretties that survived the tragedy, the ones that didn't are above . . .

Poor, poor pitcher!

The drawer full of victims of past tragedies . . . I just can't bring myself to toss them.
Perhaps this has nothing to do with feeling “too good” about my accomplishment. Perhaps this is just someone’s way of telling me I have way too many rose-strewn breakables. On one shelf.

(I am so making a mosaic stepping stone out of this stuff—or maybe, in light of the fast approaching holiday season, eight mosaic stepping stones. Boy, do I ever have seven lucky sisters!)

This entry was posted on Tuesday, October 7, 2008 at Tuesday, October 07, 2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

13 wise, witty and wonderful comments

Buy a couple of new cars.

It'll make you feel better.

October 7, 2008 at 5:11 PM

Oh no. That really stinks. Um...

Also, it seems that when I comment, I soonly get an email in my inbox that says "undeliverable mail" and then it quotes me (what I say in your comments) but the email address it says it can't mail to is justjohnna or something like that? Weird? I don't know what's going on. I just thought I should tell you that's happening.
I thought maybe if you replied to my comments, your messages aren't getting to me. I don't know...
just checking :)
Sorry about your china.

October 7, 2008 at 6:43 PM

Oh man, that is horrible. So, you think it was to keep you humble? I think you are humble enough and it was a freak accident. There were a few times within a month where each time my husband and I left and came back the kids had broken something important to me, like two dishes that were from our wedding. I almost stopped leaving the house, but instead I tried to get over it. Mosaic steps, huh? I love anything mosaic! I mosaic'ed my kitchen counters a few years ago. Not practical but cool to look at :) Sorry for your loss.

October 7, 2008 at 8:38 PM

Rott--sure, are you paying? Heaven knows I need a few new cars since the two we have are decrepit to say the least. Kazzy--I want to see pictures of your mosaic counters! How cool is that!
Heather, I know who justjohnna is. That is so weird--I have no idea what is going on but maybe Johnna does. Weird.

October 7, 2008 at 8:53 PM

Hi, Johnna, aka justjohnna, aka fan of Heidi here. I have no idea why blogger has crossed my email with heather of the eo. Sometimes when I comment I check that box that I want to get email notification of other people's comments. Maybe that has something to do with it?

I'm so sorry your china collection took a fall. With your plans for a mosaic and all, I think you're taking it very bravely, and I admire you for that.

October 7, 2008 at 9:18 PM

Johnna, I like your ID , i.e. "fan of Heidi here" It has a real ring to it. I think you should stick with it. Yeah. I like it. : ) Okay, so it looks like I am going to have to fix it on my own. Heather, keep me posted. Thanks!

October 7, 2008 at 9:31 PM

What a pity. I'm so sorry for your loss.
We are sisters in the eternal scheme of things right? I'll be checking the mail daily for my mosaic step, thanks in advance.

October 8, 2008 at 9:32 AM

Oh, Mary, you are so funny! Yes, definitely yes, you will get one, but check my post later today to find out why this means nothing . ..

October 8, 2008 at 11:27 AM

It is times like this that I feel most unlucky at not being one of your siblings. I think the stepping stone are an absolutely scathingly brilliant Idea. Make sure you take a photo and post it so that we may live vicariously through your blog. I hope the girls all appreciate it.

October 8, 2008 at 12:13 PM

Wow, that bites! You could also get a table, maybe you have one outside already or get one from a thrift store and make the table top a mosaic of all your pretties! That way you could enjoy it for years to come. "this piece is from..." and "that piece is from..."

Good luck and be sure to post the pics of your work! You could probably even recruit the kids to help...a nice 'rainy day' project!

October 8, 2008 at 12:20 PM

Lisa, I really like the table idea--I need a weather proof one outside (the antique folding table isn't going to cut it come the rain). Roxanne, I will make you one-yes, I will! Maybe. I intend to. It might happen . . .(you can have Holly's--she doesn't read my blog so she won't even know . ..)

October 8, 2008 at 1:34 PM

Have you tried calling any porcelain repair shops? I broke a porcelain doll of my Mom's a few years ago and got it repaired at this great studio shop. They had a bunch of other things like tea pots they were repairing.

October 8, 2008 at 9:03 PM

Jen, what a great idea! I am used to just doing it myself with questionable results but having it done professionally is a much better way to go--thanks!

October 9, 2008 at 8:21 AM

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