Thanksgiving Part Deux  

Posted by Heidi in

Thursday we celebrated Thanksgiving with extended family and it was wonderful. Yesterday we had our own here at Dunhaven Place. This is the first time we have made our own Thanksgiving dinner the day after having a truly splendiferous one with family. Usually we wait at least a few days or even almost a week before going whole hog (i.e. turkey heaven) but I wanted to keep my wheat-eating down to a tight timetable so yesterday, I slaved over a hot stove. It made me think about what is and what is not important when it comes to this very wonderful holiday. One would say it even gave me perspective.


1. Chocolate pie. One must have it. So I sent The Spouse pelting out into the night (okay, it was 3 in the afternoon) in search of an edible chocolate cream pie i.e. not the kind that comes from the freezer section (this turned out to be a very bad idea).
2. Chocolate pie. The kind your dear sister kindly made for you to take home after your official turkey day dinner making the pelting into the night (or late afternoon) wholly unnecessary whilst consuming/inhaling a much better pie (sadly we have yet to enjoy the full cooperation required to test this one out but one can dream).
3. Eat quickly--in order to get as much down your piehole as possible without feeling too full before time to eat pie (this one is essential but only if the pie was made by your sister and not Safeway).
4. Rolls. Gotta have ‘em—and plenty of butter, so put out pretty much twice as much as you think you ought.
5. Tin foil—putting it over the rolls once they are properly browned so the tops don’t burn before the insides are done is a really good thing to do. Taking the rolls out of the oven when the timer rings instead of five minutes later is even better.
6. Rolls (again)--there’s no such thing as too many (unless they’re burned on the bottom and even then it’s questionable).
7. Turkey and stuffing. It’s a good thing and all that but not if it, in any way whatsoever, interferes with the eating of pie and rolls. Even the burnt on the bottom kind.
8. Hot chocolate. One mustn’t forget (though I almost did which would have been tragic considering the photo that accompanies this post) that hot chocolate looks simply smashing in glassware meant for hot fudge sundaes.

That pretty much wraps it up. You might want to print this and keep it with the turkey roaster for next year, just in case, since there is clearly no parallel to my brilliant perspective.

This entry was posted on Saturday, November 29, 2008 at Saturday, November 29, 2008 and is filed under . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .

26 wise, witty and wonderful comments

I thought for a minute that those were chocolate malts. OOOOH how I love me a chocolate malt. You should have stuck straws in them and the deception would have been complete. Mmmm.

And rolls with too much butter. Mmmmm.

November 29, 2008 at 11:10 AM

Your perspective is very entertaining, indeed :) I bought a turkey for Mr.4444 to cook, since we didn't have Thanksgiving at our house this year, and he missed cooking, so I'm sure we'll have a nice big dinner like yours soon (less the slightly-overdone rolls, I hope! :)

November 29, 2008 at 11:19 AM

Barb--yes, minus the burnt bottom is the way to go but ours still alal got eaten anyway. Who knew? Lisa--I thought about the straws and then I worried they would melt and my kids would get poisoned by plastic or, at the very least, I would have to make more cocoa. Priorities.

November 29, 2008 at 11:43 AM

mmmm, all that chocolate. I'm not lying when I say I'm moving away from the computer now to go find some chocolate...mmmmm.

November 29, 2008 at 12:00 PM

I had not thought about chocolate pie, but may include it next year. We did have the hot chocolate though. I would suggest my new favorite. The Mint Chocolate cocoa at Trader Joes. It is really good and rich. Happy Hangover!

November 29, 2008 at 2:17 PM

We had apple and pumpkin, but no chocolate pie. Now I feel sad. And hungry for chocolate pie.

November 29, 2008 at 2:41 PM

You said piehole. Hee hee.

Great list. I agree with the rolls. I've never had chocolate (cream, I'm assuming) pie. Kind of makes me want to go get the ingredients to make one now.

November 29, 2008 at 3:17 PM

Is piehole a bad word? Or just a funny one? (I can be terribly ignorant about these things). Anyway, what was that you say about not having chocolate cream pie for Thanksgiving? And never having had it? Aiiieeeee!! This does not compute! It has to be made with chocolate pudding, handmade, preferably by someone who knows what they are doing (like my mom or one of my sisters) and it has to be topped with freshly whipped cream. Also, it has to be made the day before so the juices can run into the crust. It is quite simply a bit of heaven but I have never been one who liked her fruit in it's non-natural state so I don't do (get this) pumpkin, cocoanut cream, banana cream, apple or any other kind of pie for that matter. So, I think that makes me the weird one.

November 29, 2008 at 4:31 PM

Heidi, I want to do a spotlight on your book on my blog this upcoming week. As part of that I thought I would have you answer five questions about it. Could you send me a e-mail so I can send you the questions?

Thanks! Becky

November 29, 2008 at 5:34 PM

My husband has to have chocolate pie too...and he will only eat it within the first ten minutes of it being out of the oven. So technically he loves hot chocolate pie (maybe I should serve it in a sundae glass to complete the effect)

By the way, I am part of a network doing a blog book tour today...which I beleive I had mentioned to you before, but it is up now if you want to take a look as an idea for your book.

November 29, 2008 at 5:45 PM

Chocolate pie sounds way better than pumpkin pie!!! I want to come to your thanksgiving! :)
I sat around pouting because someone made 2 pumpkin pies and i wanted something different! waa waa waa! Im a baby! :)

November 30, 2008 at 8:06 AM

Sabrina, I would seriously be pouting, too. We only had one choco pie for thirty people (there were tons of other desserts) and since I was allowing myself wheat (the crust is a must) I literally ran to the pie as soon as they announced dessert. Seriously. Ran. I was going to have a piece of that pie if I had to push and shove babies to the ground. Good thing none of them care about pie. :)

November 30, 2008 at 9:19 AM

I love your fancy-smancy hot chocolate! What a great idea!

What's the deal with you and wheat?

November 30, 2008 at 11:25 AM

alyson, alas, when I eat wheat, I experience severe bloating. As tragic as that is all by itself, there's more. I swell on the insides, too. I have a lot of muscle pain, the digestive system refuses to flow and I get kind of high (but that might have more to do with all the sugar that comes along with my favorite wheat). Also, if I eat it, it is very hard to stop so I just keep going and going and then it all interferes with my sleep which means I turn into an awful witch and yell at the kids who, in turn, become absolute gremlins and the next thing you know, we have all murdered each other, only except that last part hasn't happened yet. It's the main thing I'm trying to avoid. So, you see my problem. It's a ticklish one.

November 30, 2008 at 2:24 PM

Suddenly I want to eat again, and I thought I was finished for good.
It's a bit warm for hot chocolate here, so I'm going to pretend those were chocolate shakes in those glasses. And they look sOOOO scrumptious.

November 30, 2008 at 4:57 PM

I got to tell you that the part in your post that caught my eye was the rolls. Your right, there is no such thing as enough. They are eaten before, during and after the meal and in great quantities. With butter...

November 30, 2008 at 5:18 PM

Mariko--rest assured, chocolate ice cream has glistened up those glasses and it was way sweet. I say go for it (I don't see how you people in Hawaii can even do the winter holidays up properly though I do love Mele Kalikimaka and even sung it for the entire entended clan one Christmas wearing a swathe of Hawaiian dress fabric tied around my formal velvet Christmas gown when I was four)Mike--how good of you to stop by and leave a comment! I love the title of your blog--once I arrived there, it made total and perfect sense. You must all go and check out Mike's blog. (We clearly already see eyeball to eyeball on the issue of rolls.)

November 30, 2008 at 6:03 PM

What, those aren't chocolate sodas?!! How amazing you cooked Turkey dinner the day after Thanksgiving.

1-3. Chocolate pie at Thanksgiving? How unexpected. When you say the chocolate pudding must be handmade, does that mean she can't use the Jello pudding stuff?

Does having chocolate pudding with the whipped cream in a bowl instead of a pie, would that work on days other than Thanksgiving, when you're avoiding the tummy-discomfort of wheat?

I keep wanting to make pudding 'from scratch' but never seem to get around to it. I'm intimidated.

4-5. We had store-bought rolls at Thanksgiving this year. I must really love my family, because I didn't mind.

7. Turkey is the excuse for the stuffing and yams. Also, turkey makes a nice little trencher for cranberry sauce. Also, roasting a turkey is a step in the process of obtaining GRAVY, to put on one's mashed potatoes.

You are too much fun. I'm supposed to be on the internet look up the oats-to-water proportions for making steel-cut oats in the crock pot.

November 30, 2008 at 10:58 PM

I love love love Thanksgiving food. Especially this year when I didn't have to cook it myself :-) though that meant I couldn't bring home the leftovers :-(.

And pie, mmmm.

December 1, 2008 at 12:30 AM

Johnna--you mean everyone doesn't have chocolate pie for THanksgiving? I don't get it. Hmmm, yes, it has to be hand made pudding and it is very intimidating which is why I don't do it unless it is just for me (and even then the eggs always cook a little and leave little lumps which must be removed via a seive and it is tedious)and yes, I can eat it without the crust, that would work, but it isn't as great as with the crust and not worth the trouble in light of the egg lump thing. I'm so glad you were so happy in the light of your families love that you didn't mind the store bought rolls. I guess I see my family way too often for that to work. Good thing my sisters make great rolls and pie. I get your arguements on the side of turkey which is very true, especially when it comes to the gravy--but only if my dad makes it. He makes killer gravy. He has tried to teach us but to no avail. Steel cut oats!?!? I don't have patience for anything but the one minute stuff. Pink Ink--Thanksgiving food is totally yummy (esp when made by my sisters and dad) but soon we will be doing it all over again and it will magically become Christmas food. Funny how that happens.

December 1, 2008 at 7:04 AM

That hot chocolate looks scrumptious!

December 1, 2008 at 8:34 AM

This post inspired me to make a Thanksgiving dinner because we had ours in Disneyland...ok I probably won't actually do it but your vivid post did make the notion cross my mind.

I am enjoying catching up on your blog posts from the last week. The reruns are a great choice!

December 1, 2008 at 9:24 AM

Abra--it was! Yum! Jen--hey, Disneyland for Thanksgiving is worth any amount of rolls and pie. Looks like you had fun!

December 1, 2008 at 9:25 AM

I so totally agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


December 1, 2008 at 11:51 AM

This is my favorite kind of post. All about food, and 3 out of 8 about chocolate. No wonder I follow this blog.
I heart Heidi.

December 1, 2008 at 7:57 PM

Sounds like you're dedicated to all the important food groups: Carbs, Chocolate, and More chocolate. Impressive.

December 1, 2008 at 8:33 PM

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