13 wise, witty and wonderful comments
You earned ever pixel of that award. You are terrific. Hope you had a great holiday and are bouncing back from any wheat problems you might have faced. :)
Hillary--I miss you but I love the internet because you don't seem so far away. Thanks for your nice words--and you, too, Kazzy--gee, you spoil me! As for wheat probs, turkey must have some magical element that does battle with the sugar because I am doing really pretty well. Gonna do it all again today! Woo hoo!
Sounds like you're out of your wheat coma and all is well!
Congrats on the award!
Kazzy's description sounds very much like you! Congrats!
word verification: sconch
Is that something you do to a sconce? Hmmm...
Muchly deserved!
Congratulations, dear. You do make a wonderful friend.
Justrandi, yes I avoided the wheat coma but I am still working on it (hey, it's a holiday!) Becky--ha! sconch! Maybe it sconce for a conch? Kim and Jami, thank you! So sweet!
Wow! That is so sweet. And so true about you. Now I need to go read Kazzy. I wonder if Kazzy could give me an award that says how I love to hide behind my humor. Do they have an award like that?
I can't wait to get your book.
And I agree with you. Bad tasting wheat would be . . . just bad.
Awesome! You deserve it, you amazing Heidi, you!
Crash, yes, you need to read Kazzy. Everyone needs to read Kazzy.
I love what Kazzy said too! So true. This is my favorite award floating around the blogosphere. You deserve it! :)
Ditto everything you said about Kazzy's blog (and Kazzy said about yours!)
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- Heidi
- Wife, mother, novelist, gardener, bloggist, lover of good books, roses and vintage charm; passionate about her family, words, roses, vintage home decor, found treasures and the color pink.
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