There were so many things I was going to post about this Christmas. There was the year we took the Big Guy ice skating back when he was a Medium Guy. It was one of those temporary outdoor rinks with the waist high wall around it. We wrestled those sharp things onto his feet (what were we thinking?) and watched with tender pride as he ventured forth, then flopped over the wall, his feet slipping out behind him in some kind of involuntarily ballet (of the comic variety) while he said over and over “Must. Not. Die. Must. Not. Die.” It was one of those times I deeply regretted not bringing the video camera with me (who can blame me? It was one of those VHS kind that weighs a ton and is roughly the size of a bread box).
Then there were the amusing lists about nothing less than amusing Christmas lists, (for one) and ways I have spoiled Christmas for my family (for another). There were so many list ideas. I don’t know where they all went when it was time to sit down and type. And here we are, a day away from Christmas Eve and so much left unsaid and undone (which reminds me, will someone come over and clean my house? Before tomorrow night? No? No takers? Anyone? . . .)
Meanwhile, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that I won a most auspicious prize at the blogspot of the amusing James the other day for nothing less than knowing the words of one Charles Dickens. James is a new blogger and a pretty funny one, as is his wife, Rebecca. It isn’t often one encounters a male blogger, especially one who is so witty a la Miss D (for whom he gives a plug—I know! How cool is that?) so check it out!
Lastly, as my Christmas gift to you, I am going to forego blogging tomorrow. Yep, you heard it! No post from me. Go forth and be free!
17 wise, witty and wonderful comments
Merry Christmas, Heidi! Your blog makes me happy. :)
I love your son's mantra! Put a smile on my face.
If you send me some Jack in the Box tacos and pay for a plane ticket, I'll come clean your house.
Have a wonderful Christmas, my friend and distant cousin! LY!
essed.............eek, santa sees every deed!
Merry Christmas to you, Heidi.
Have a Merry Christmas! I will miss reading tomorrow--but I think I will likely take the next few days off myself.
AHAHAHAHA! The story about taking the big guy ice skating was priceless!
And what am I going to do while you're not posting? POST, of course!
I, who have taken far too many blog breaks, will be back tomorrow and the next day, putting up my last few Christmas gifts! :)
Happy break, and merry Christmas!
Jana,why do I have the sneaking suspicion that you have spent your time getting ready for Christmas instead of blogging and now you are stress free and able to enjoy the season? (wahhh!) Becky, thanks, so sweet of you to say, but I'm sure you'll manage :) Arlon, thanks and same to you! Alyson, I can manage the tacos. I think. (Do they not have those in your proximity?) Lara, I'm so glad--I do try! Kristina, compliments are great gifts, too! Thanks! (So, did you see what I did? I did it backwards! I am so darn talented!!)
Merry Christmas Heidi! I hope all is well for you and yours this holiday season: ie, no upheaval on the Christmas gifts this year.
Have an enjoyable holiday!
Heidi, I just finished reading your book. I couldn't resist sneaking it out to read before Christmas. I loved it! I loved how everything gets so messed up and confused and how it all works out--with a few twists in the end.Personally I think you have a little Oscar Wilde in you!
Have a Merry Christmas!
The closest Jack in the Box is in North Carolina. It deeply saddens me.
It bothered me, I mean I noticed right away that something was up with your responses. Then you saved me from trying to figure it out in the end by saying it was backwards. (relief) Of course, I still had to scroll up and check it. So, I'm still bothered, I mean noticing something cause ... is Charrette really Jana? Now I'm wondering if I have to wait until Christmas to find out because you said you are not posting tomorrow. Just kidding, I don't need to know that badly. I'll probably check tomorrow anyway, just in case.
Christine, I can't leave you in the lurch for that long! Yes, Charette is the screen name for Jana. Sorry for the confusion. I hope you have a truly wonderful Christmas, dear cuz! Alyson, I am deeply saddened for you. That's downright tragic! I hope you can manage a Merry CHristmas anyway (hmmmm, I wonder if Jack in the Box is mailable?) (BTW Christine, I'm going backwards again!) Joy--because I don't know your real name--tho I suspect it might be "Joy" which is a real keeper, btw, THANK YOU SO MUCH!! Wow, that is music to the ears. (Now go write a review on and/or Barnes & but only if it is glowing.) Merry Christmas--but what am I saying, you have a new granddaughter! Yay for you! Abra--dear Abra, a very useful gift indeed. You just never know with the Big Guy. It certainly keeps things hopping around here, not to mention, gives me fodder for the ol' blog. Merry Christmas to you and all my wonderful blog friends!!
I will try to enjoy my "freedom" tomorrow but it will be hard. I must admit I sat here and laughed out loud at the ice skating story. Love those moments. I am sure you are a great mom to your Big Guy! Have a Merry Christmas, my friend!
I have been using that SAME mantra for the last week!
Merry Christmas Heidi!
Merry, merry Christmas.
Ditto on all the bloggy love. You are wonderful! Enjoy your day off!
Kazzy, thanks! It was deff one of those laugh out loud moments when it happened (tho, the Big Guy didn't think so!) Randi--too funny! Love it! Jami--thanks dear!
I see my name! And James'
Thanks for the link, and for the laugh! I could so picture my eldest doing the same thing.
Merry Christmas!
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- Heidi
- Wife, mother, novelist, gardener, bloggist, lover of good books, roses and vintage charm; passionate about her family, words, roses, vintage home decor, found treasures and the color pink.
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