22 wise, witty and wonderful comments
How fun Heidi. I will check it out.
That was fun! :)
I LOVE IT!!! Ducks, word games, and that breathy sense of competition??!! It's like a trifecta! I'm so into this!
I love a good word game! and apparently I love finding new ways to kill my time :)
Oh yes, what a perfect thing for a day in which I don't want to get up from my chair...You are incredibly clever and totally deserve to be impressed with yourself.
On my way to check it out! By the way, I still love that portrait! And it still looks bigger than you said it is.
I might be using this as a carrot to get my homework done! Still lovin' that portrait!
Ohhh, I wanna play! But must finish writing chapter, then play.
Oh. My. Gosh! Thanks alot. I have been playing ducky hungman. ALL DAY LONG!!!!Even TJ is loving it!
I can't stop....must. play. more....
What a fun game! I even made a top score. It's kind of like Hang-a-roo that my kids got me addicted to.
I am #4...til someone knocks me down. You might want to check out my blog. There just might be a little treat over there for you!
CHIT is way toooooo hard of a word. I was totally on a roll when that came up. I don't like short words. They make it so much harder to guess. Some of the words I had never heard of but was still able to make a lucky guess. I am sitting at #2 now. Woo Hoo!!!
Apparently I suck at this game.
I'm pretty sure I'm in last place - yay me!
Fun game, but I'm humbled. What is "pink of the ton"?
Best of luck with the writing!
The portrait is so great.
And I would totally LOSE at that game. Don't hate me, but I'm regency clueless. ):
I didn't know you could create a game. How fun!
I apologize profusely for spelling your name wrong on my blog. I have updated my blog and it is spelled correctly now. So sorry.
awesome! I just wasted a good chunk of time - thanks you rock!
So many time wasters...so little time...
You would give me something to do to kill some more time on the computer!
That drawing is fantastic! I just love it.
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- Heidi
- Wife, mother, novelist, gardener, bloggist, lover of good books, roses and vintage charm; passionate about her family, words, roses, vintage home decor, found treasures and the color pink.
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