The very chair I am now sitting in to compose this post . . .(it's the most comfy seat in the house and I'm not just saying that because it is littered with roses) (but that helps). I haven't been sitting in it much lately--in fact, some days I barely turn on my computer at all. Summer vacation is winding down to a close and I have been milking every second of it. For instance, the other day we went to visit, for the very first time, a lovely little town called Benicia here in the San Francisco East Bay Area.

Favorite Find. I found yards and yards of this scrumptious fabric for a STEAL in an antique store. Such happy colors! I have been busy making curtains and pillows out of it (which necessitated the purchase of a (toy) sewing machine . . . I will be offering the left-overs next week on eBay next week!)