9 wise, witty and wonderful comments
Now I am off to read the interviews.....and what are you auctioning on eBay?????? hmmmmm.
I will have to go check out the JDP news. That's cool to have even more publicity.
Hope you are well. XO
I won't enter only because I am lucky enough to already own my very own copy autographed first edition!
How's Miss D 2's future looking?
I treasure my own (personalized and autographed) copy of Miss D. I'm also planning on entering a Miss D-inspired painting in an upcoming show (if I can find time to get it done!)
I hope all's well, Heidi. I'm so glad you're getting more publicity and I hope your books sell like gangbusters!
Psst! Your "the author" link isn't working. Or maybe it was intentional? It says "not found" when you click on it. Are you lost again?
"actual blogging" - ummm, hello, if you've posted recently enough to show up on my ever so crowded reader you still count as an actual blogger in my book ;)
Ugh - I hate being busy!
WOW!... That was a awesome interview,
I'm so glad you're getting more publicity and I hope your books sell like gangbusters!
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- Heidi
- Wife, mother, novelist, gardener, bloggist, lover of good books, roses and vintage charm; passionate about her family, words, roses, vintage home decor, found treasures and the color pink.
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