Adults, however, are not always so generous with other adults. We make our deposits into the relationship bank with the expectation that others will make corresponding deposits before too much time passes. Meanwhile, we willingly allow them to make withdrawals from the account as long as they don’t run into the red. Complicating matters a bit is the fact that some of us have different perceptions as to what is a true deposit and what is a true withdrawal. One can go into the red with one withdrawal simply because we are unaware as to how much it cost the person on the other end of the transaction or because one has overestimated the worth of their deposits in the eyes of another. Or perhaps, we go blithely along not realizing that our account with a certain person is overdrawn while the person who feels like a run has been made on her bank sits and fumes in silent resentment (after all, it’s not polite to talk about money).
What does one do when they feel that their relationship account with another is sadly overdrawn?
What does one do when one truly wants to make deposits but genuinely doesn’t have the wherewithal to do so?
How long should we be patient with someone we care about? Should we carry the account indefinitely?
Here is the hardest question of all: What do two people who care about each other do when both feel like their account has been overdrawn and both feel that they have nothing left to give? (Please tell me, because I really need to know.) (And, no, I'm not talking about me and The Spouse--didn't you read my last post?)