The mildish summer turned into a mildish fall, then suddenly did an about face and became a scorching hot humid July in September. We are basking in it, as you can see by the glow in the Little Guy’s face as we enjoy an after dark 90 degree hike through the neighborhood. But really, I’m just making that my first photo to throw off the Middle Child in case she walks into the room, since this post is really about her and I’m not “allowed” to post about her. It’s okay because I think girls are supposed to be bossy but that doesn’t mean I have to do what she says. (Do I?) (No?) (I didn’t think so.)
Mostly I wanted to share the card she made for me as a birthday gift. It was the best present I received, and that includes the small, light, slim and blessedly straight-lined digital camera my sweetheart surprised me with (it’s hard to surprise me but he did it!).
The Middle Child didn't just see her grandparents through her camera lens, she saw devotion.
So, shhhhh!, here goes:
Well, Mom, it’s here. You’re finally the big 3-0. (Did I mention that she’s a fiction writer like me?) It’s a big step but I think you can handle it. You might have to start dyeing your hair, eating healthier and drawing on your eyebrows. (I have been doing all of these things since I was 35—she’s such a card!)Look through the glass in my bedroom door and you will see the Middle Child as depicted by my talented brother.
Life will get a little harder with each passing year, but more rewarding, too. One day you and Dad will share a life of peace, quiet, and television whenever you want. (She’s uber smart since hopes for peace and quiet to watch T.V. at some point in the future is what I live and breathe for.) I hope you will visit your kids sometimes. Bottom line, at the end of the road, everything you’ve done for this family will all be worth it. You’ll be glad you got through it, and we’ll be sorry we didn’t do more to help out. (If only she could tell me how I can make her sorrier in the here-and-now … ) You are a queen who isn’t yet treated the way she deserves. I’ll try to remember what you mean to me and show my feelings through my actions. (woot woot!) (actually, I think that calls for one more woot!)
One day Queen Heidi (can one possibly get tired of hearing that?) will be treated, finally, like the selfless giver you are, tenfold! (She’s smart but I still have her fooled, much like how I have the Big Guy 129% convinced that I have eyeballs in the back of my head.) It’ll be late, but when I learn what it’s like to be a mother, and times that difficulty by 100, I might be close to comprehending half of what your motherhood was like, and I’ll appreciate your hard work, and I will never forget it. (I hope I am still alive to enjoy it.)
Thanks Mommy, love the Middle Child. (Except she put her real name.) (She’s clever like that.)