Remember this post from last 4th of July? I just threw out the rest of that gluten free cake (pictured above from said post) a few weeks ago. (It was in the freezer, people!) I guess it wasn't as tasty as it looked. (This year I'm going for chocolate.) But really, if you want to feast your eyes on some inexpensive and fun patriotic decor, this post isn't it (last year's is!). Pictured below are the few things I have been able to get to this year in celebration of America's birthday.

If you read my last post, you probably missed
the link to my new blog featuring all things Dunhaven Place, the Shabby Chic Boutique. This would be because, no matter how many times I fixed it, the powers that be would not eliminate the lines and lines and lines of blank spaces between the first paragraph and the next. As a result, it seems as if I ended my last post on a big fat whine rather than on the upbeat news of my pretty
store blog. BlogHer picked it up for advertising in other blogs before I had a chance to realize the problem and delete the whole darn thing. Kind of embarrassing but let me just say this--people are total voyuers. I had more hits on that post (titled: I.Could.Just.Cry.) than pretty much any other in my years of blogging. Nobody really stayed around to get whined on but it was still a success of sorts. (Sort of.) (I guess).
Going back to 4th of July decor---my post last year was all about finding inventive and inexpensive ways to decorate, even if it meant lowering yourself to using a facsimile of the flag of our 1776 enemies. The picture below is all about making people want to spend money on expensive decor. This is because I am nothing if not contrary.

Happy 4th of July, my friends! May it be a fun and uber safe one!
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on Friday, July 1, 2011
at Friday, July 01, 2011
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4th of July
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