14 wise, witty and wonderful comments
And YOU!!
Enjoy the wheat!
Wheat is neat. It can't be beat. But it makes it hard to see your feet! Especially when that wheat is sweet.
Back atcha! Wheat hangovers brutal? Rolls good enough to take the consequences?
Funny, Lisa!
Sabrina--thanks, you too! Lisa--what talent! Your poem is funny and sadly, oh so true! Kazzy--it is worth it on the holidays to eat the rolls--I mean, really what is Thanksgiving without rolls and gravy (which has flour in it)? And what about the pie? Christmas doesn't matter so much (except for the days leading up to it--by Christmas I am so sweeted-out already) but Thanksgiving is all about the food!
Happy Thanksgiving! And Happy Hangovering!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Thanks everyone and oh, my! The wheat was good!
Had a great day with a houseful of friends and family; hope yours was just as awesome.
And BTW, if that wheat hangover is still bothering you on Friday, I've heard a little 'hair of the dog' like a nice croissant in the morning can fix ya up nicely...
Hope you had a fantastically awesome wheat-eating day!
Abra--I did, thank you! It was totally worth it BUT I think I will have to take AJ up on his (hislarious) suggestion. Sigh, it was a lovely day, and today my family of five are going to do justice to our own turkey and more wheat, so I guess I'm going to need more hair of the dog on Saturday (oops!)
So do you get a hangover if you just keep eating it? I need to get clean and sober soon. Before I turn violet and the Umpaloompas roll me out the door. :)
Happy Thanksgiving Friday!
HAPPY THANKSGIVING. And hey, I didn't know you could get wasted on wheat. I got totally wasted on Tryptophen. I'm been in a Turkey fog for 2 days, which is why I'm been M.I.A.
Ugh. I am waist-ed on wheat. Completely. And just to punish myself I tried my tight pants on today. Double ugh.
Jami/Violet--I have never had a real hangover so I don't know--but I wake up feeling like my head is bigger than it should be and very groggy and unable to function--plus the old body feels like it was hit by a truck. I was going to give myself one more day of wheat but I am seriously reconsidering. Christmas will be here before you know it. Crash, I hear that turkey can make you sleepy (hey, I watch Seinfeld like everyone else) but I am just not that fond of it for that to happen. It's all about the wheat for me. Mariko--that's very funny--"waist-ed on wheat". I'm going to have to use that one. With your permish, of course.
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- Heidi
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