The Spouse insists (if “mild whining” is a synonym for “insistence”) that I take a blogcation since he is on vacation and doesn’t want to sit there feeling guilty doing nothing whilst I type madly away at the computer. Hence, the re-runs yesterday and the day before.
However, I did have a little experience I thought worth sharing now that The Spouse has dashed out of the house to run a few errands.
I went to the mall.
I don’t do that very often so this is earth-shattering news even if you all can’t really appreciate that fact.
Whilst there, I went into a book store (and no, this is not about finding Miss D on the shelves which is an utterly ridiculous thought because even if some random bookstore decided to stock it, it wouldn’t be out on the shelves yet, anyway--yet, I did think it).
I rarely go to a real bookstore (I’m all about the internet, baby) so I was kind of excited and woozy with the smell of so much paper and print but managed to make a beeline for the romance section, anyway. I did a quick scan and noted that a few older Regency romance novels from back when “they” were still publishing the genre, had been reprinted. One was by a favorite author that I had somehow missed back in the day so I snatched it to my bosom. However (and here’s the thing—finally!) before I left, I wedged a small wad of my beautiful gorgeous Miss Delacourt Speaks Her Mind bookmarks right there next to those Regency reprints.
I’m evil that way.
25 wise, witty and wonderful comments
Hilarious! Someone is asking the cashier right now where she can find a copy of Miss D!
Lisa--thanks! Kazzy--I hope so! They can order it from any bookstore if they just know about it--hey, that was a better idea than I realized. I hope they didn't just toss 'em!
That was brilliant of you!
Bookstores make me a little high on life too. I could spend hours in one.
I've been evil enough to slip individual bookmarks into books on the shelf.
It's good promotion, right? :D
Ooh, Annette, I love your (evil) style! Yes, Erin, bookstores are like crack to me (though I wouldn't really know since I've never had any--yet, I think blogging might be up there just as high).
I love a good romp through Chapters or Indigo.
Heck, I'll take the book section in the grocery store.
I'm not picky that way.
I laugh at the thought of you stashing your bookmarks all over the place!
Okay I am totally going to do this! I have a stack of bookmarks that need to be distributed. This is definitely the right solution. Thanks for the idea!
Happy Thanksgiving
Abra--My daughter distributed bookmarks all over the church building the night before the Halloween party--that was embarrassing! Becky--you are very welcome! Annette's idea is stellar, too!
Not evil, I would say BRILLIANT! smart girl!
It's all about the advertising. Good call, not nutty or evil at all. Brilliant.
LOL! That's so cool! You're awesome. Like a super spy planting a secret code.
Ladies, thank you ever so! (Could I be getting prideful in my evilness?)
I like this idea! I usually leave a stack of very pretty business-sized cards with the cashier of bookstores, asking them to tuck one into the bags of patrons. I also do this in gift shops. Some people don't want to do this, but others are delighted. (And sometimes they say, "Oh, that looks good, I've got to get a copy!)
So keep up your nutty, evil marketing tactics, which are really just savvy!
I love your background wallpaper on this blog, by the way. Well done.
You're cracking me up here...
Linore, great idea! Barb--my pleasure!
What a great idea!
I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving.
Thanks Luisa!
I totally agree about the smell of all that paper and print. I could inhale it all day long.
And ha ha about the book mark. You are such a great literary agent.
btw, I did read your twin thing. I hear ya. Feel ya.
Verifier say realya
Ver clever, indeed! I love your resourcefulness.
I already blog stalked this post a while ago, but I thought you'd be glad to know that Crash is passing her book on to me when she's finished.
Of course, I'll be reading it on the john, so it will take me a while, but it WILL. Be. Read. 2 pages a day.
Seriously, I want to pick your brain about how amazing it is to be an author.
We are so best friends with our not-going-to-the-mall and getting high off the bookstore's mise-en-scene.
I will go to my bookstore and look for Dunhaven Place bookmarks.
I'm totally hitting the bookstore today. You're description just reminded me of how much I like it there. I'm keeping my eyes out for Miss D.
Crash, sorry about the emotional throw up on your blog--I probably should have just emailed you (but I didn't know how--now I do--but really, it is challenging being a twin) Alyson--is my cousin. You have to go to her latest post to find out how. Mariko--I am honored. I remember the days when the only reading I did was in the bathroom. Ah, good times! Nouveau you--I haven't gotten that far with the bookmarks. I should, though, huh? Nertzy! My nephew lives in your little town, I should have given him some to plant. Eowyn--I'm jealous! I don't make it to the bookstore often--it is too much like a drug--one I can't afford. sniff sniff
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- Heidi
- Wife, mother, novelist, gardener, bloggist, lover of good books, roses and vintage charm; passionate about her family, words, roses, vintage home decor, found treasures and the color pink.
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