One day, a day when you have been in denial about dusting and decide on the more pleasant task of organizing your adorable scrap booking supplies, you might be seated on the couch staring at the brown cover of the storage book you use for your multitudinous TV remotes because Angel (we miss you Andy Hallett!) is on and though you love Angel, it doesn’t really demand your constant attention as does Lost or 24 or Heroes, and it occurs to you that even though the lovely brown of your storage box (which is usually fairly empty since the TV remotes—one for the DVR, one for the VCR/Wii and one for the actual set) are hot property, it really doesn’t blend well with your chic n shabby décor.
You wonder how difficult it would be to grab a bottle of acrylic paint and just slap some on whilst watching Angel (if you’re a mom, you can always use those eyes you have in the back of your head as you walk into the craft storage area, i.e., kitchen drawer that really ought to be holding kitchen items but priorities, people, priorities!) and see how it all looks when it’s dry. You decide it wouldn’t be the least difficult and that you should go for it. If you do, you could end up with something like this.
Your inspiration for this “look” might be the now-totally-destroyed-but-once-was-a-lovely antique book made of white leather so many years ago that Brigham Young actually owned a copy of said same book.
You could use your holiday scrap booking materials to make a Christmas, Halloween or Easter box. Just think, you could keep your TV remotes in holiday style ALL YEAR LONG. And all for the price of those scrapbook supplies you keep handy just in case you should ever use them in an actual scrapbook. Oh, the possibilities . . .
(My project was accomplished by using one of those faux storage book boxes that can be found on eBay or Ross or Target or TJ Maxx or Tuesday Morning, etc. for fairly cheap—about $5 for the size I made—5.5 X 8.25—I used numerous coats of “Daisy Cream” acrylic paint by DecoArt, a pretty rose themed waterslide decal left over from another project though stickers would work just as well—the Little Guy was SO impressed, he thought I hand painted the roses and that I was a great artist like Carly’s brother Spencer on I Carly—and some black rub on letters I have had in my possession for more than two decades. Literally. I bought them when I was 19. Woe is me.)
Tomorrow: the new cover art for the large print edition of Miss D out in May!