A. Because of my unpredictable life, I have a fear of commitment.
B. I tend to get addicted to things. (Maybe “obsessed” is a better word though I do try to only obsess over things that are really positive. That’s not working out for me since I can’t seem to choose my obsessions.) (Not that blogging is bad! Au contraire! But it IS time consuming.)
C. A+B=high anxiety. (Since there’s nothing that commits you like an addiction, blogging--to which I am highly addicted--is causing me severe anxiety.)
D. I don't like panic attacks. (I have to say, this is really bugging me. Ask my husband. He knows. Because I talk to him about it, ad nauseum. Usually I don't mention it until the drool is about to hit the pillow so he is less than empathetic when I say things like: "I don't know what is happening in their lives!" or "I'm afraid they're going to think I don't care!" or "What if they stop being my friend?" or, when I'm feeling super self-absorbed (which, let's face it, is most of the time) "What if they never visit MY blog again?" which would be totally natural and understandable and has, by the way, happened. A lot.
E. It is amazing how much you can get done when you don't blog. (I have crossed off every single thing on my to-do list every single day this week. It feels good!) (Also, I have cooked almost every night since school started at the end of August. That doesn't feel so good but my skinny-stick-children are slowly putting on some much needed flesh.) (Oddly, enough, the Big Guy weighs roughly the same. A lot.)
F. I have been spending some of my usual blogging time helping out with the wonderful site, Mormon Women: Who We Are, and loving it! A lot.
G. Christmas is coming. (I have no idea how I blogged to the extent I did last December and still managed to put up a tree and shop for presents.) (Oh, yeah . . .I didn't cook. Or clean. Or bathe.)
Things that have nothing to do with why I'm not blogging: your wonderful comments. More than a few people have been rather surprised when they learned how low my actual hit count is because I get so many comments. That's because I have managed to surround myself with truly warm and wonderful people out here in Blogdania. I cherish all of your comments but those you have left on the last two posts of mine have been extra special. Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart!
Lastly, because I'm such a glutton for punishment, I listed a large print copy of Miss D on eBay. The price is very good (especially for the outrageously-priced large print edition) and might give you something to amuse yourself with over the next week or so as you watch it sit and sit and sit and SIT with absolutley no bids whatsoever. (And a good time was had by all.)
Meanwhile, Hopefully I will be able to blog regularly again in January (though I hesitate to suggest which year--that fear of commitment thing, an' all . . . )