Friday Fragments. I didn't invent them. I'm not sure who did, only that it wasn't me. Just wanted to make that clear.
I had a dream last night that a strange man was rooting through the drawers in my bathroom and complimented me on my choice of deodorant (he liked the smell). I blame the boatload of sugar I ate yesterday since ice cream and Reese’s eggs seemed excessively preferable to real food after the humungous filling I had (root canal averted for now!)
It turns out that the random post office stabbing murder here in “Mayberry” happened after the stabber asked the stabbee to exchange his 29 cent stamps for money (the post office workers had already denied him). Note to self: if someone asks me to exchange money for stamps, do so, pronto! Or, barring that (since I rarely carry cash) take him to lunch. (Or Nordstroms. Or a car dealership.) It will make for a much better day for everyone in Mayberry.
Remember the day my Wii fit became Mr. Hal Wii Fit? Look where that post showed up! *****************
I once blogged about an interview I had for the local paper. It came out a while ago but I didn’t share it because the author wrote a few things that embarrassed me a little (still love you, Andre!) Also, it was impossible to get a photo of me that I would have been happy with since I was blushing like some kind of "Ginny Delacourt" the entire time. Here’s the link if you want to read it (it’s on page three, you will have to scroll down) but just know, I never said anything of the sort in that last paragraph. And there are a few other things that are not quite accurate or entirely made up. (I guess the truth of what really happened wasn’t exciting enough. In fact, I’m quite sure of it since I was there for “the truth” and it almost put me to sleep most days). For those who decide to follow the link, here is a photo of me taken last night to wipe the awful image of the newspaper photo from your mind (the rest of you, just avert your eyes).
The Spouse doesn't like this one because I'm not showing my (yellow) teeth and there is a glare from the window. How about this next one . . .
I think I look more like my younger sister in this photo than any of the others (I have six) which is kind of odd when you consider I have an identical twin. Still no teeth . . .
The Spouse likes this picture. (How unfortunate that the Little Guy has figured out he is pretty darn cute and much beloved in the family.) So, okay, these aren't that great either, but at least they are closer to how I actually look which is what matters to me. It's a form of vanity, I know, but we just live with it around here.
If any of you from book club are visiting my blog today, thanks for reading my book and being such an awesome audience last night! (I talked about me and Miss D for a solid hour. Yeah. I know.) It was just the medicine I needed after what happened yesterday (see below). ********************
Lastly, sorry for being such a boob yesterday about Miss D's bad review on Goodreads. In the end, I am glad it happened because the only way to learn to take the punches is to experience them and survive it. In my defense, I’ll just add that the review included a personal attack on me, as well, and it was written by a blogger who hangs out at some of the same blogs I do which is why I was particularly upset. (Also, I am NOT a Jane Austen wanna-be and my book is a Jane Austen ERA book, not a Jane Austen STYLE book, just so ya know . . . .) So many of you were super supportive and some of you even came to my rescue! I love that! I hope I can do the same for each and every one of you some day!